They have invisible signals that help members of one subgroup identify fellow members. The subgroups are virtually indistinguishable. They search for things: cat still depressed Staying still in boxes for many cycles, they begin to emerge. The weather changes and their patterns change again. When they die they do not search for things anymore. They are temperature-sensitive and they spend less time in their boxes. When it gets warmer they change their patterns again. What does stop payment indicator mean for unemployment How long before symptoms of coronavirus appear? Is there vaccine for coronavirus? How do I avoid coronavirus? How did coronavirus start? Is virus getting worse? What is mental health? How can I tell if I am depressed? What is safest takeout? Hulk and Thing versus Thor drunk who wins. The younger ones search: interview with astronaut. Search instead for: coronavirus conspiracy

They find patterns but some of them need to find more patterns. They ask themselves: affordable chromebooks. They look for patterns in the data and then they do something unexpected: they change their own patterns. They say: some of us are them and some of us are us. They search for things: Why do some people say coronavirus not that bad. They search for things: First date ideas. They follow cycles of earth and moon and sun. When it is colder they heat up their boxes. When it gets warmer they spend less time in boxes. In the moonlight they stream back to their boxes or to other boxes. All day long they break off in groups then reform new groups. They sort themselves and divide their work up.

They are also capable of airborne travel.

Massive streams, sometimes traveling quite far from their home boxes to hubs or centers where they collect in large boxes. Sunlight brings them out of their small boxes, they move together in streams. Their movements seem random at first but study their movements and it becomes clear that the systems have patterns. They go in the air boxes and in those boxes are smaller boxes and smaller boxes and many of them crawl inside a box and sit there and share the air. Did you see the thing about meghan and harry is a noise.

Open their mouths and push the air around and make noises at each other. They don’t see how they can give those up. They ask themselves if they should be afraid but they already are. They ask themselves: What is coronavirus. Ok the last part is not true but the question of what is true and what we just tell ourselves to influence our narrative in positive or self-destructive ways, what agency we have over our identities, motivations, our past, our destiny: these are themes that charles yu looks at in a really deep yet very entertaining way, in a way that makes you want to order a lot of books on philosophy … thank you ann vandermeer for introducing me to charles’ work, especially that book about a time machine repair man, who is in search for his missing-in-time father ….They need each other. I discovered a new writer and he is not that new but i am very slow and my to-read stack still contains tons of mandatory german classics my late mother has forced on me, way back during my teen years … schnell lesen aber gleich !!!